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Housing reform : regulation and deregulation of rent

Housing policy belongs to areas, what most respondents are not satisfied with and this area need principle reform according to most of respondents. More than a half or respondents do not consider existence of two costs of rentals (legal regulated rent and open market rent) as right thing, this opinion is mostly shared by house owners, respondents without their own house or flat and people who pay open market rent.

The reform of legal regulated rents (raising of legal regulated rent or abolishment of legal regulated rent) would be agreed by three quarters of respondents. Most of respondents agrees with realization of the reform on condition that state would support building of new social houses for those who can not pay raised rent and municipality should offer some of their flats for lower rent to people, who can not pay raised rent. Most respondents who would abolish current regulation of rent , they insist on support of building of new social flats. Respondents who agree with the reform, they mostly support the variant - raising the rent up to amount that would cover running of the house or flat, Raising of the rent up to open market price is the least supported variant even among those who would abolish current legal regulated rent.

Among people there exist common agreement that state housing policy should save money in area of tax support and they should support providing of marriage loans, public opinions are disunited when talking about building of new council flats.

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