HomePress releasesOtherEcologyAttitudes and Activities of Czech Society Regarding the Environment – May 2016

The public on energy management - autumn 2022

In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions focused on the issue of energy management. The survey specifically investigated how the households of the respondents manage to cover the costs of electricity, fuel and water consumption, whether they have concerns regarding the provision of heating in the Czech Republic, what, in their opinion, are the possibilities of reducing energy consumption in their household and whether the development of the energy market will make their household to reduce consumption.

Almost half (47%) of the respondents' households find it difficult to cover the costs of electricity consumption, the share of those who find it difficult to cover the costs of natural gas or solid fuels was around two fifths of the households that use them (43% for natural gas, 39% for solid fuels).

According to respondents, three out of ten households find it difficult to cover the costs of water consumption.

Compared to 2018, the situation with paying the costs of electricity, fuel and water consumption worsened, most significantly in the case of electricity consumption, where the share of those who have difficulty paying these costs increased from 26% to 47%.

Difficulties in covering the costs of electricity, fuel and water consumption are strongly dependent on the income situation and standard of living of the household, but also on its composition, with households in which people live alone having a relatively worse situation.

Three quarters (74%) of Czechs expressed concern about the provision of heating in the Czech Republic.

Only 7% of respondents think that there are big opportunities to reduce energy consumption in their home, 30% see none and 60% see only small ones.

At the same time, three-quarters (75%) of Czechs thought that the development of the energy market would force them to reduce consumption, and a quarter (25%) thought that significantly.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<