HomePress releasesOtherHealth, Leisure timeCzech Citizens About Quality of Health Care

Czechs, Hungarians and Poles about Their Health Care Systems

The health care system in their country is rated best by inhabitants of the CZ with 39 % satisfied and 20 % dissatisfied; 39 % is half-satisfied. Poles and mainly Hungarians are significantly more critical towards their health care system. In Poland there are 26% satisfied, 23 % half-satisfied and almost a half of the population are dissatisfied (47 %). However, greatest reservations are communicated by the Hungarian public that mostly rate the health care system negatively (53 %) and only 15 % favourably.

The Poles have the worst figures in judging the quality of health care development: 39 % think that it worsened in the last year. In the Czech Republic and Hungary this opinion is shared by 24 % of respondents. However, in general it is presumed (everywhere around 50 %) that no significant changes in this aspect had occurred. The opinion that the quality of health care has improved is shared by a mere 9 % of Poles, 18 % of Hungarians and 21 % of Czechs.