HomePress releasesOtherHealth, Leisure timeCzech Public on Health Care - December 2011

Public opinions of health care system in Czech Repulic, Slowakia, Poland And in Hungary

More than a third czech citizens are satisfied with the health care system of their country, same part of respondents stated they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

More than a quarter of czech citizens expressed their dissatisfaction with health care system in Czech Republic. 6 % of respondents consider it to be very dissatisfactory. A part of this survey run under international company CEORG, so there are results of similar surveys from Poland, Slowakia and Hungary.

In comparison to the states Czech citizens over 18 years expressed the highest level of satisfaction with health care system. More than a third of czech citizens are satisfied with the health care system, almost a quarter of Hungarians(23%) are satisfied with it, a fifth of Poles (19%) and a more than a tenth of Slowakians (11%) are satisfied with health care systém in their countries..There is more than a half of polish and slowakian citizens over 18 , who are dissatisfied with health care system.

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