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Czech citizens about media and politics

In October survey we asked respondents whether media influence decisions of politicians. More than a half of respondents agreed that media influence decisions of politicians (20 % definitely „yes“, 33 % rather „yes“ ) A quarter of people think that media have no such influence (rather „no“) and a tenth suposse media not to have definitely such influence.

According to 80 % of respondents Česká televize has main influence on decisions of politicians, Nova 73 % and Prima 59 %.

„Serious press“ has also big influence: the newspaper

Mladá fronta Dnes (68 % of respondents), Lidové noviny (47 %), Hospodářské noviny (53 %) and Právo (48 %. ) A half of people also say that Czech radiostation ČRo 1 - Radiožurnál influence decisions of politicians whereas approximately a quarter of respondents think that comercial radiostations have such influence. A third of respondents consider internet news servers have influence upon decisions of politicians.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<