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Food Waste and the Shopping and Consumer Behaviour of Czech Households – Food 2022

In its special ‘Food 2022’ survey the Public Opinion Research Centre at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, examined the Czech public’s attitudes and opinions on the issue of food waste.

Almost half (47%) of the respondents consider food waste to be a big problem, more than two-fifths (44%) think food waste is not right, but there are more urgent problems that need to be solved and only less than one-tenth (9%) of the Czech public does not consider food waste to be a big problem in society.

The most important reason for reducing food waste according to respondents is to save money for their household (77%), while the least important reason is to change society through their behaviour (29%).

The majority (54%) of respondents go shopping several times a week, while about a quarter (26%) go shopping once a week. 13% of respondents shop every day.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<