HomePress releasesOtherRelations, AttitudesContentment with Life - December 2011

Life Satisfaction of Czechs over Time – "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras"

The Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Institute of Sociology of the CAS focused on the topic of life satisfaction in its special research carried out within the project "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras". The aim of the research was to find out how satisfied Czech citizens are with their lives at present and to compare the results with their life satisfaction in the past or in the future. The life satisfaction of Czech citizens has not changed over time and can be considered above average overall. Life satisfaction is related to educational attainment, age, subjectively assessed standard of living and health status.

Both single-item and multi-item measures of life satisfaction achieve identical results, confirming their reliability and validity.

A significant proportion of respondents failed to answer the items related to future life satisfaction, which is easily explained and understandable, as these are essentially hypothetical questions to which there is no clear answer at the moment.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<