HomePress releasesPoliticalDemocracy, Civic SocietyInvolvement of Czechs in Public Life and Their Interest in Politics - February 2016

Confrontation of current political conditions to political conditions before november 1989

The most of repondents (38%) expressed their opinion, that the current political conditions are almost same as political conditions before a year 1989. Approximatelly a third of respondents think that curent political conditions are better than political conditions before a year 1989.On contrary a fifth of respondents believe that political conditions before a year 1989 were better than those in present.

A tenth of addessed citizens was unable to answer the question.

In a February survey CVVM interoggated citizens about a question, how they evaluate their present life in comparison to their life before November 1989. People consider the current situation in most monitored areas to be better than it used to be before November 1989. People most appreciate the possibility to travel abroad.The worst results were achieved in area of social security.

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