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Views on the participation of citizens in decision-making - February 2014

In February 2014, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes.


Evaluation of Development in Selected Areas of Public Life in Last Year - December 2013

In December 2013 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about the development of situation in selected areas of public life during the year 2013.


Influence on political decision-making - March 2013

In March 2013 CVVM survey investigated Czech public's opinion on the extent to which various institutions and groups influence political decision-making.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Morality of Politicians and Reasons for Resignation from the Position - March 2013

In the March survey CVVM enquired how strictly according to public should be judged morality of politicians and what criteria should be considered in their deliberations. The next block of questions was ascertaining more specificly due to which of the selected policy violations a politician should resign from his position.


Views on the participation of citizens in decision-making - February 2013

In February, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes. People would like to make decisions primarily on important local issues. This view is supported by 84% of citizens. On the other hand, decisions on important laws and international treaties should do politicians. This view is supported by 62 % in the case of laws and 75 % in the case of international treaties.


Citizens on Their Possibilities to Influence Public Affairs - February 2013

In February 2013 CVVM investigated how people evaluate their possibilities to influence political decision-making and public affairs.


Interest in Politics and Public Views on the Possibility to Influence the Legislative Process - February 2013

As a part of February survey there were some questions focused on interest of Czech citizens in political events in the country as well as in the world and on possibilities to influence changes in laws.


Citizens on the Political System in the Czech Republic - February 2013

In its February survey, CVVM focused on opinions towards the political system in the Czech Republic. Questions in the survey concerned the level of satisfaction with democracy, the evaluation of democracy as a form of government, coequality and fairness in treating people and the evaluation of the political system development since 1989. About three fifths of Czechs (63 %) are not satisfied with the functioning of democracy in their country. Similar number of Czechs (63 %) holds the view that people are not treated coequally and fairly in the Czech Republic.


Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics and on Politicians' Interest in Opinion of Ordinary Citizens - February 2013

In February 2013 in the research project Our Society there were included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons for entering public life and politicians' interest in opinion of ordinary citizens.


The situation in selected areas of public life in the year 2012.

In December 2012 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about the situation in selected areas of public life in the year 2012. The Czech citizens evaluated how the situation developed in these areas and negative evaluation prevailed in most of them, for example, in unemployment, social security, corruption, public finances, economic crime, standard of living, healthcare, education and interpersonal relationships. The best evaluated area was the bid of goods and services.