HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsCitizens on Relations of the Czech Republic to Other Countries - December 2015

Integration of the CZ in the EU – Current Attitudes and Opinions

In June, the efforts of our country aimed towards the integration in the EU were supported by 56 % of citizens, while 25 % did not agree with it and 19 % did not have an opinion. These results correspond with the long-term findings of PORC characterised by a distinctive prevalence for the support of the entry of the CZ to the EU over the opposite opinion. 7 % of respondents said that they would definitely not come to the referendum in question and 13 % would probably not come.

Among those that do not rule out their participation in the referendum, approximately one fifth (21 %) did not know how they would finally vote. Today 59 % are decided more firmly to participate – among these 17 % would vote against entry and 42 % in favour of the entry of the CZ to the EU. The reason for the low willingness of citizens to cast a yes vote in the referendum is seen by respondents predominantly in their concerns about the Czech Republic having a second-rate position within the EU and worries concerning price rises. According to the respondents, the motive of the integration supporters is mainly expectation of a higher standard of living, furthermore the possibility of working freely in EU states and the presumption of the economic contribution from the integration for the CZ in general.