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Czech Public Attitude to the EU and to Its Extension

A third of Czech citizens (33 %) is satisfied with membership of the Czech Republic in EU. Almost a half of respondents expressed their opinion that they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with EU membership of the Czech Republic. On the other side 17 % of people are dissatisfied with it.

A half of respondents are satisfied with EU membership of Romania, while a third of Czech citizens do not agree with it.

EU membership of Bulgaria is approved by 57 % of Czechs, the opposite opinion is shared by 27 % of addressed citizens. Almost three quarters of Czech public would agree with EU extension to Croatia, and only 13 % people disagree with it. Number of those who disagree with EU extension to Turkey and Ukraine outbalanced number of those who agree with it.

In January 2007 a half of Czech citizens would agree with Euro installation in the Czech Republic. The opposite opinion is shared by 43 % of people.

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