HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsPublic opinion on possible locating of an U.S. antimissile defense base in Czech Republic and public attitudes to U.S. foreign policy and role of the USA in the world

Attitudes of Czechs towards U.S. Foreign Policy and Role of America in the World - Autumn 2024

80% of Czechs against 12% think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 56% against 30% believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community. According to 48% of Czech citizens the current foreign policy of the U.S. represents a threat to today’s world, while 39% have the opposite opinion. The opinion that in relation to undemocratic regimes the United States is entitled to use military force is shared by 20% of Czech citizens, whereas 70% oppose it. 50% agree with a thesis that in its foreign policy, the US stands in defense of freedom, democracy, and human rights, 40% think otherwise. 45% tend to believe that the US strives to secure stability and a peaceful world order, 44% disagree with such an assertion.

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