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Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon

In January 2009, Public Opinion Research Centre questioned Czech public about the Treaty of Lisbon. People were asked, whether they know, what the term "Treaty of Lisbon" means, whether they are informed about the treaty and interested in this topic. Except these questions, the survey investigated the public opinion on the parliament and ratification of the treaty, and whether the position of the Czech Republic will be better, the same or worse, if the treaty is adopted.


Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic - January 2009

According to January survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 65 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 29 % of respondents would approve it. 72 % respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 23 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter. Majority of Czechs (67 %) expects that Czech parliament will pass the agreements on radar.


Citizens about the Presidency to the European Union

In January survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic has assumed the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens’ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations for the presidency.


The Gaza Conflict

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in January 2009

In January 2009 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.

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Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic - December 2008

According to December survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 65 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 28 % of respondents would approve it. 70 % respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 22 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter. People who are against the referendum are for the most part supporters of idea to locate the U.


Czechs on U.S. Presidential Election

In December survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic has assumed the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens’ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations...


Citizens about the Presidency to the European Union

In December survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic has assumed the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens’ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations for the presidency.


Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon

In november 2008 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the questions about the Treaty of Lisbon. About one quarter (24%) of Czechs has good knowledge about what the term 'Treaty of Lisbon' means. About three quarters (76%) of Czech population do not have enough information about the Treaty of Lisbon and 18 % are interested in the course of events related to the treaty.

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Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic - November 2008

According to November survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 66 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 28 % of respondents would approve it. 71 % respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 22 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter. People who are against the referendum are for the most part supporters of idea to locate the U.


Evaluation of Relations with Some Countries

In November survey people have evaluated relations of Czech Republic with some neighbouring or globally most important countries: Slovakia (94 % good / 4 % bad), Poland (89 % / 6 %), USA (87 % / 9 %), Germany (87 % / 11 %), UK (83 % / 6 %), France (83 % / 8 %), Hungary (83 % / 7 %), Austria (67 %, 29 %), Russia (39 % / 52 %) and China (37 % / 40 %).