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Urgency of some problems out of citizen point of view

The most urgent problem is supposed to be unemployment and 70% of respondents supposed the sollution of unemployment to be very urgent, 26% rather urgent. Corruption(67% of respondents find it very urgent, 26 % rather urgent) is regarded as almost same urgent problem as unemployment together with organized crime (66% very urgent, 27 rather urgent) and health care (63% very urgent, 30 rather urgent) and criminality ( 57% very urgent, 37% rather urgent).

These problems are followed by quite urgent problems such as social security (50% very urgent, 39% rather urgent),running of system of justice (49%very urgent, 37% rather urgent),pension reform (48%very urgent, 33% rather urgent),standart of living and economic reform (both same 45%very urgent, 44% rather urgent), flats and flat rental, (41%very urgent, 41% rather urgent), agriculture (37%very urgent, 39% rather urgent), school system (36%very urgent, 40% rather urgent).

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