HomePress releasesPoliticalOtherCzech Public Opinion on the Principles and Use of the Anti-Epidemic System (so-called PES) - Our Society - Special - February 2021

Trust in Institutions of Public Life and Interpersonal Trust - Summer 2024

In the regular Our Society survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre carried out during the summer months of 2024, respondents were asked a question determining their trust in selected social institutions and interpersonal trust.

Of the public institutions surveyed, the police (74%), banks (69%) and the army (66%) are the most trusted. On the other hand churches (28%) and political parties & movements (19%) are the least trusted.

A more significant preponderance of trust over mistrust is also evident in the case of courts and opinion polls, a smaller excess of trust was also recorded in the case of radio stations, and trust and mistrust were statistically equal in the case of trade unions. For the remaining institutions (non-profit organizations, the Internet, television, the press, churches, political parties and movements), mistrust already prevails, and in most cases quite significantly.

Compared to the previous survey from the spring of 2023, a significant drop in trust was recorded in the case of trade unions (by twelve percentage points while mistrust increased by four percentage points), but this trust only returned to a level comparable to the results of the penultimate previous survey. Decreases in trust or increases in mistrust compared to 2023 were also found in the case of political parties and movements (both equal by five percentage points), television (decrease in trust by five percentage points, increase in mistrust by four percentage points) and the Internet (both equal by four percentage points). On the contrary, the survey showed a slight decrease in mistrust in the case of churches (by five percentage points).

Interpersonal (social) trust in Czech society, after a slight decrease in last year, has returned to a level comparable to spring 2022. 96% of those surveyed trust their closest relatives, and 78% trust ordinary people (an increase in trust by five percentage points with an equally large decrease in mistrust).

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