HomePress releasesPoliticalPoliticians, Political institutionsConfidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in October 2018

Politicians’ popularity

Stanislav Gross remains at the top of the chart (he enjoys confidence of 66% of the respondents), followed by president Václav Klaus (60%) and ministers Tvrdík (54%) and Buzková (52%). The 50 % public confidence limit was further surpassed only by the ex-president Havel (52%). In comparison with the January 2003 results there was a significant growth in public confidence in the case of president Klaus (+25 % points), ODS leader Topolánek (+7 %) and ministers Šimonovský and Škromach (both +5 %).

On the contrary, a statistically significant confidence drop concerned prime minister Špidla (-16% points) and also ministers Buzková (-7 %), Gross, Tvrdík and Dostál (all of them –6 %), Senate chairman Pithart (-5 %) and ministers Součková, Svoboda and Mlynář (all of them –4 %).