HomePress releasesPoliticalPoliticians, Political institutionsPublic opinion on performance of president Miloš Zeman - January 2016

Public Opinion on Performance of President Miloš Zeman - February/March 2023

In its regular survey in February and March 2023 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on questions about the Miloš Zeman's presidency.

In all areas examined, critical evaluations prevailed over positive ones.

Relatively most favorably, the Czech public rated how he performed the functions entrusted to him by the constitution (40%) and how he was in contact with citizens and knew their problems (39%).

Czech citizens were the most critical of how the outgoing president took care of the seriousness and dignity of his office (73%) and how he acted as an authority among citizens (71%).

Compared to 2020, the president's rating worsened in all monitored items.

Compared to the previous presidents Václav Havel and Václav Klaus in the period at the end of their tenure, citizens rated Miloš Zeman better in that how he was in contact with citizens and knew their problems. For other items, his current assessment sounds more critical.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<