HomeCVVMJournal Our SocietyArchive of articles2004/2* Public opinion on economic situation and living conditions in the context of Central Europe


The electronic version of the first number of the seventeenth edition of the review Our Society (Naše společnost). Our Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


Settlement Demolition in the Context of Contemporary Discourse: Kralupy u Chomutova

Brown coal mining was and continues to be the main source of fuel for electricity and heat generation in the Czech Republic. Located in the territories of the Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem Regions, the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin (NBBCB) is the area with the largest deposits of brown coal in the country. Coal mining intertwines with the lives of the residents of this area. In the past, it helped attract new labour force but, at the same time, it devastated the landscape and contribute…


Attitudes of Children and Youth to Railway Trespassing

Unauthorised entry of railway premises accounts for approximately 200 casualties per year in the Czech Republic. Although the phenomenon is highly pertinent to children and youth, it does not receive sufficient attention in traffic safety education. Existing research has mapped railway trespassing in the Czech Republic in general terms only, with primary focus on the conditions of emergence and characteristics of high-risk sites. In contrast, international research and practice pay more atten…


Web Archives and Social Sciences: Opportunities, Problems and Solutions

Over the past three decades, the internet has become an integral part of contemporary societies. Online content is growing at a tremendous scale and changing dynamically. In spite of that, social sciences and social scientists have paid little attention to the kind of account of social change the World Wide Web can provide. This article provides an introduction to the subject matter of web archives, which can serve as sources of data that help us draw a picture of the dynamic change of contem…


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