HomePress releasesEconomicalWork, Income, Living LevelCitizens on Material Living Conditions of Their Households - January 2020

Work and Family Duties - Evaluation of Assistance Provided by Employers. Interest in Childcare Facilities

The survey showed that the most frequent form of assistance provided by employers is a reduction of working hours to a part-time job - this is available at a workplace of 29% of respondents. Approximately one fifth (22%) could benefit from flexible working ours or a job-share (21%). Approximately every tenths respondent stated that he or she could work from home (11%) and that their employer provided them with an exceptional leave of absence (12%).

The option of children being minded at the workplace is provided to 2% of respondents. Nurseries are most likely to be the most frequent form of childcare. 89% of respondents have used or plan to use this facility. Breakfast and after school clubs remain popular amongst three quarters of respondents (72%). Children of two thirds of respondents will or already have attended school clubs (66%). Approximately half of respondents (51%) have been able to use or hope to use a substantial help provided by a wider group of family members.