HomePress releasesOtherEcologyAttitudes and Activities of Czech Society Regarding the Environment – May 2016

Our Relation to the Environment

In the March survey, among other things we concentrated on the satisfaction of citizens with the environment in the place where they live. The greatest contentment was recorded for availability of wide open countryside, scoring 86 %. Approximately three quarters of citizens are satisfied with the cleanness of the countryside in their vicinity and quality of drinking water. About two thirds of respondents are content with the air quality and the noise level in their neighbourhood.

The lowest satisfaction was with cleanness of surface water – only a half of the people. Furthermore, we were interested if within the last five years the citizens had contributed to nature protection in any way. A third of the respondents stated that they had participated in voluntary work, restoration of greenery. Every seventh citizen had signed a petition relating to the environment and every ninth had made a financial contribution to an organisation concentrating on the environment and its protection. Only 5 % of the respondents had taken part in an environmentally focused demonstration. Young people, under 30 years of age, particularly students, are among the most active citizens.