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Czech Public on Health Care - December 2012

In December 2012, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care. With health care 41% citizens are satisfied, 22% are dissatisfied and 36% are neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied.


Public Views on Fees and Some Other Measures in Healthcare - December 2012

December 2012 survey of Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning health and health care.


Public Views on Fees and Some Other Measures in Healthcare

December 2011 survey of Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning health and health care.


Czech Citizens About Quality of Health Care

In December 2011, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system.


Czech Public on Health Care - December 2011

In December 2011, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care system in the Czech Republic and public opinion on issues in specific areas of the health care system. With health care is satisfied 34 % citizens, unsatisfied 35 %.


Public opinion on the issue of HIV/AIDS

In May, the CVVM devoted to HIV/AIDS. Two thirds of Czechs believe that AIDS currently poses for the Czech Republic a problem. A majority of Czech citizens (57%) believe that the relevant institutions engaged in AIDS issues adequately. The vast majority of Czechs (81%) are not afraid of HIV infection.


Citizens on Splitting of Health Care into "Standard" and "Above-Standard"

According to June survey of Public Opinion Research Centre, 35% of Czechs approve the government's plan to split the health care into "standard" health care, which would remain free (or more precisely paid from existing compulsory public health insurance), and "above-standard", which would be paid directly by patients, 60% oppose it.


Czech Public Opinion on Health Care System

In December 2010, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care system in the Czech Republic and public opinion on issues in specific areas of the health care system.



Czech Citizens About Quality of Health Care

In December 2010, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care and change of quality of medical care during the last year. Czechs were asked a question about current status of their health and should answer, whether doctors and other medical staff give the clients enough information about medication.


Public Opinion on Medical Fees and Other Measures in the Health Care System

In December 2010, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care and change of quality of medical care during the last year. Czechs were asked a question about current status of their health and should answer, whether doctors and other medical staff give the clients enough information about...