In CVVM survey more than two thirds of czech citizens spoke up for existence of Death penalty, while only a quarter of citizens (27%) is against it. Most pensioners and people who do not confess any religion or church, skilled workpeople, ČSSD and KSČM followers support existence of Death penalty. The existence of Denalty penalty is less supported by students, university graduetes, churchpeople,ODS or KDU-ČSL followers.
In the statistics every group contained more supporters of Death penalty than opponents. More than four out of five respondents state for lowering of the age limit for criminal liability for children under 15 years, when more than half of respondents are definitely for that lowering. Only 11 % of respondents were against lowering of the age limit for criminal liability. In comparison to year 2000
there is an increase for 22% points in total number of those who agree with lowering of the age limit for criminal liability.
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