Public Fears, Feeling of Safety and satisfaction with the activities of the police - December 2015

In December survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, citizens answered questions concerning their fears, their sense of security and their satisfaction with the activities of the police.


Security Threats for the Czech Republic in View of Public - December 2015

In December 2015, respondents had to assess security threats related to selected groups in the Czech Republic and they were also expressing views on threats by war, epidemics, natural disasters, economic crisis or resource crisis. These two questions were amended with an open question trying to find out, which countries represent a security threat for the Czech Republic. The survey also focused on expectations concerning the future of the personal life of citizens, the future of the Czech society and the future of the whole humankind.


The interest in beer and it choice in 2015

In September 2015 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results of questions about the choice of beer, preference of favourite brands and willingness to tray unfamiliar ones and also about the interest in information concerning beer.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Beer in Czech society in 2015

In September 2015 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic trends about the share of consumers among Czech citizens and about both amount and frequency of beer consumption from 2004 to 2015. The status of non-alcoholic beer is mentioned too.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Attitudes Towards Foreigners and Reasons for Their Reception in the Czech Republic - October 2015

In October of this year the Public Opinion Research Center focused its regular research on a number of issues relating to foreigners who have long term or permanent residence in the Czech Republic.


Czech citizens relationship to their place of residence - October 2015

Part of the CVVM October survey were questions about Czech citizens relation to the place where they live. All respondents were asked about their relationship to their village, to their city, to the region in which they live, to the Czech Republic and to the Europe.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


The reasons of pride and shame for Czech citizenship - October 2015

In October survey CVVM focused on the subject of Czech citizens' relationship to the Czech republic. All respondents were asked about reasons, why they are proud of Czech citizenship and why they are not proud of it.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


Czech citizens' relationship to the Czech republic - October 2015

In October survey CVVM focused on the subject of Czech citizens' relationship to the Czech republic. 47 % of respondents said that they are proud of Czech citizenship. On the contrary 9 % are ashamed of Czech citizenship and 40 % Czech citizens are niether proud nor ashamed.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Attitudes towards complete smoking ban in restaurants - September 2015

In September 2015 CVVM examined citizens' views on smoking ban in restaurants. Almost three-fifths of Czech public (58%) would agree with this ban, less than two fifths (38%) would disagree.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on the State Secondary School-leaving Examination and Tuition Fees - September 2015

In September 2015 CVVM surveyed how Czech citizens evaluate the idea of state guaranteed examination on secondary schools as a general concept and what do they think about the issue of tuition fees at universities.