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Satisfaction with local living conditions

In its March poll, the Centre for the Research of Public Opinion focused, inter alia, on the evaluation of local living conditions. The first question examined the overall satisfaction with life in the place of residence. The results show that 67% of respondents were satisfied with life in the place of residence, while almost a fifth (24%) opted for the answer ‘neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied’ and 9% were dissatisfied.


The second question involved the evaluation of individual living conditions in the place of residence. Those surveyed expressed the greatest satisfaction with utility networks (88%), collection of household waste (84%) and environment (76%). On the other hand, the least satisfactory assessments were given in respect of local wages and salaries (12% were satisfied), job opportunities (16%) and the construction of new flats (20%).

The last question focused on the level of citizen activities in the place of residence. The poll revealed that nearly half the respondents (45%) participated, at least on an irregular basis, in activities of sports organisations and 37% in activities of citizen associations (clubs). Those polled were least involved in activities of political parties (12% participated at least on an irregular basis).