HomePress releasesPoliticalDemocracy, Civic SocietyMorality of politician and influence on political decision-making - March 2011

Evaluation of current development in some monitored areas in Czech Republic

Czech citizens answered following question in December 2004. „Do you think that situation of some monitored areas (in Czech Republic) became better, worsened or remained unchanged.“According to respondents the situation in most of monitored areas remained almost unchanged.Czech citizens positively evaluate development in area of supply of goods and service, when 58 % of respondents judge it positively.

More than a third of respondents evaluate development in area of environment and foreign affairs. Main part of interviewees judge situation in most of monitored areas critically. The highest part of respondents (69%) are dissatisfied with current development in area of unemployment. Almost two thirds of respondents adopted a negative posture on current development of corruption and economic criminality. More than a half of people judged critically development of social securities and safety of citizens (general criminality)and political situation in Czech Republic.

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