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Post-election expectations before and after elections

Compared to the pre-election period, post-election political, economic and general expectations of citizens were somewhat more pessimistic following the announcement of the final election results. This shift stems from the absolutely clear post-election disappointment among supporters of the ODS, 90% of whom expected the victory of their party and therefore took a very positive view of the post-election development.

The party lost as a result of which most of these supporters formed negative expectations. The shift was not offset even by considerably more optimistic expectations among voters of the CSSD. Regardless of the foregoing, respondents most frequently do not expect any changes in respect of all the monitored areas (40 - 46%). This is similar to their pre-election expectations. Approximately a fifth of those polled (19 to 23%) expect things to deteriorate, while the percentage of respondents expecting things to improve ranges from 15 to 17%.