HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsCitizens on Adoption of Euro and Impacts of EU Membership on the Czech Republic - April 2019

Citizens on Relations of the Czech Republic to Other Countries - October 2012

In October's survey people have evaluated relations of the Czech Republic with some neighbouring or globally most important countries: Slovakia (91 % good / 7 % bad), Poland (77 % / 18 %), USA (84 % / 8 %), Germany (87 % / 9%), UK (86% / 6 %), France (86 % / 6 %), Hungary (79 % / 9 %), Austria (82 % / 12 %), Japan (68 % / 13 %), Russia (54 % / 36 %), China (47 % / 35 %), Israel (44 % / 31 %), Ukraine (46 % / 39 %) and Iran (20 % / 51 %).


>> Full text is available in Czech only <<