HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsConfidence in Some Representatives in International Context - November/December 2021

Citizens and Information about the EU

65 % of citizens are very or at least “partially” interested in the entry of the CZ to the EU, which is 8 percentage points more than a year ago. In general, society has a prevailing opinion that the information about the process of the integration of the CZ in the EU is insufficient (59 %), with the opposite opinion scoring 33 %. However, among the people who are “very” interested in the entry of the CZ to the EU, there is a predominating opinion that the information is sufficient.

A half of respondents consider the available information to be understandable, but 43 % find it incomprehensible. According to public opinion, information about the process of the integration of the CZ in the EU should be provided mainly by the media and the government.