HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsCitizens on Nato and Defense of Country - January 2010

Relations of the CZ with Other Countries

First we asked with which countries we should maintain close economic relations. Most frequently named states were Germany (59 %), Slovakia (36 %), Austria (29 %) and Poland (22 %), more than an eighth of respondents also gave the U.S.A., Great Britain, France and the Russian Federation. The order of countries, with which we should co-operate politically, differed; the most important partners for us should be Slovakia (45 %), Germany (44 %), Poland (29 %) and Austria (22 %).

Furthermore, we asked which countries had a hostile relation towards the Czech Republic. 38 % of respondents think that no country is hostile towards the CZ and almost 28 % could not give an answer to this question. Respondents most often named Austria (14 %) and Germany (11 %). Every twentieth respondent stated Iraq, Cuba or the Russian Federation.