HomePress releasesPoliticalInternational RelationsThe impacts of EU membership on the Czech Republic

Agreement on EU constitution in eyes of czech public

More than a third of czech citizens (36%) are satisfied with EU membership of the Czech Republic. A fifth of respondents are dissatisfied with it.The ambivalent opinions about satisfaction with membership of Czech Republic in European Union is shared by a 37% of czech citizens. 43% of czech public agree with existence of a united European Constitution. A third of public expressed their negative opinion about it.

Almost a quarter of respondents have no attitude to that question. Current approval of united EU constitution is lower than in April 2005. Almost a half of responents (47%) admitted that they are not informed about content of EU Constitution at all. Other two fifths of respondents stated that they are not informed about EU Constitution well. In comparism to February and April survey czech people are better informed about content of EU Constitution.

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