HomePress releasesPoliticalPoliticians, Political institutionsConfidence in selected institutions - Autumn 2023

Public opinion on the regional policy

According to September survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 67 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 28 % of respondents would approve it. 68 % respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 25 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter. People who are against...

In September 2008 CVVM posed a few questions about satisfaction with regional government. Contemporary structure of regions in Czech republic was established in year 2000. Eight years later there were still many poeple without any opinoin on this (38 % of informants "dont know"). More than one third (40 %) considered this change as a positive and 22 % of informants have an opposite opinion.