HomePress releasesPoliticalPoliticians, Political institutionsConfidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in June 2018

Confidence in Czech and European institutions

In June survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre we asked Czech citizens, besides other questions, also about how they trust the selected Czech and European institutions. The respondents might express their confidence or non-confidence with the help of the numerical range from 1 to 10 – 1 meaning that the interviewee does not trust the relevant institution at all and 10 on the contrary expressing absolute confidence.

In June 2004 the Chamber of Deputies enjoyed confidence of slightly less than a quarter of the polled people (22 %) while a somewhat higher number of respondents expressed confidence in the Czech government (25 %). The European Government was enjoying confidence of 44 % of respondents and the European Commission was trusted by a third of the interviewees (35 %). In June 2004 approximately one third of the polled citizens pronounced their confidence in the Council of Ministers, however, on the contrary, 16 % expressed their non-confidence. Almost a half of the respondents did not manage to express their opinion on this issue.