HomePress releasesPoliticalPoliticians, Political institutionsConfidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in December 2014

Evaluation of Petr Fiala's Cabinet - April/May 2024

In April and May survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on evaluation of Petr Fiala's government.

21% of Czechs are satisfied with the person of Prime Minister, 75% are dissatisfied, 19% are satisfied with personal composition of Fiala's government and 76% dissatisfied, 18% are satisfied with government's performance and 77% are not.

Government's program 24% of Czechs evaluate positively, 64% hold the opposite stance.

Communication with public is seen positively by 30% of Czechs, 66% evaluate it negatively.

Communication of Fiala's government with public (17% are satisfied and 78% dissatisfied) is an area in which we found the most critical evaluation of public.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<