Evaluation of Petr Nečas's Cabinet - February 2012

In February survey, CVVM focused on evaluation of Petr Nečas's government. 28 % of Czechs are satisfied with the person of Prime Minister, 65 % are dissatisfied, 16 % are satisfied with government's performance and 79 % are not. Also government's program (28 %/59 %) as well as communication with public (17 %/77 %) is evaluated predominantly negatively. 83 % of respondents see negatively also a personal composition of Nečas's government, 12 % expressed opposite feeling in this matter.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Opinion on the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its financial subvention

January survey of CVVM included questions referring to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Questions concerned trust of people towards this institution, their awareness of its function, their opinion on its usefulness and on quality of the research conducted in the Academy in both national and world-wide context. Question regarding the opinion on financial subvention of the institution from the national budget was part of the survey too. Current data are compared with the data on the same topic collected in the survey in 2009.


Public opinion on financing Czech science - January 2012

In January 2012 CVVM investigated on the public attitudes towards financing Czech science and scientific research. Almost half of citizens think state should increase its expenses on science.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on Conditions for Science in the Czech Republic

In January 2012 the Public Opinion Research Centre survey has focused on questions related to science. In this press release are presented citizens' views on the position of the Czech science in global context and on some of the conditions the Czech science has for its functioning.


Public Opinion to Outputs and Presentation of Czech Science

This report presents the information about the interest of Czech citizens in the outputs of scientific research, about the evaluation of contributions the science offer contemporary society and about attitudes to the style of public presentation of Czech science.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Popularity of Party Representatives

In February 2012 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected  politicians. They were given a list with 32 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in Chamber of Deputies.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in February 2012

In February 2012 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in February 2012

In February survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.


Inflation And Real Income Of Households In View Of Public - January 2012

Two thirds (66%) of people believe that for the income of their household they can buy or pay less than a year ago, a three tenths (30%) believe that the real income of their households is about the same as a year before, and only 3% of respondents said that their real income during the last year has increased.


Debt Crisis in Eurozone and Attempts to Rescue Common Currency

January 2012 survey was investigating public opinion on current issues related to the debt crisis in the euro area and attempts to rescue her common currency euro in current extension.


Economic Level of Czech Republic in Context of Some Other Countries - January 2012

Since February 1997 CVVM has been examined what people think about the economic standard of our country compared to nine other European countries.


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