Confidence in constitutional institutions in June 2012

In June 2012 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in June 2012

In June survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.


Citizens on environment and activity of institutions - May 2012

In May 2012, Centre for Public Opinion Research asked questions about environment and its protection. Czech citizens should evaluate activity of Czech Republic in this area and also activities of some state institutions and ecological organizations in these questions. Specifically, we were interested in opinions of Czechs on activity of Government, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Parliament, Regional Offices, Municipal Offices.


Evaluation of protection of environment - May 2012

According to May 2012 survey of CVVM people are more satisfied with state of environment at their place of residence (76%) than in Czech republic in general (60%). Respondents were most satisfied with accessability of free nature (85% "satisfied"), quality of drinking water (85%) and cleanness of surrounding nature (77%). On the other hand respondents were dissatisfied with impact of density of traffic on the environment (55% "dissatisfied", 44% "satisfied").


Citizen's Views on Drugs - May 2012

The survey of May touched briefly the issue of drugs and their use in the Czech Republic. People were asked whether and how much they perceive the current situation regarding drug use to be a problem in the Czech Republic as a country, and specifically in their place of residence. Furthermore, the survey investigated whether institutions in the Czech Republic deal with the drug problem adequately, inadequately or excessively in the view of the public. The attention of research also focused on how acceptable or unacceptable in view of public opinion is the use of certain legal and illegal psychoactive substances like tobacco, alcohol, painkillers, sleeping pills or antidepressants, so-called soft drugs like hashish or marihuana and so-called hard drugs like heroin, methamphetamine or “Ecstasy”.


The views on abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment - May 2012

In May, The Public Opinion Research Centre examined the views on abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment. Almost three quarters of Czechs believe that a woman has a right to abortion. Nearly two-thirds agree with euthanasia and the similar percentage agrees with the capital punishment.


Trade Unions and Their Role in the Society

May's survey of CVVM covered the topic of trade unions. Questions concerned the opinion on the role of trade unions in the society and the acceptability of means that trade unions may use to influence social processes. At the same time, CVVM also surveyed how the real impact of trade unions is perceived and what is the level of trust to trade unions.


Public Opinion on European Union - April 2012

In April 2012 Public Opinion Research Centre investigated if Czechs believe, that decisions of the EU are in behalf of the Czech Republic and ordinary people (like themselves). There was also investigated, whether, according to Czech citizens, values such as democracy, equality, cooperation, tolerance, justice and solidarity are applied in the European Union. Moreover, CVVM probed satisfaction with EU membership and Czechs also talked about measure of their pride in context of being citizens of European Union.


Evaluation of Activity of Ministries - May 2012

In May 2012 survey we enquired a question in which respondents on a scale corresponding to school grades evaluated activity of individual ministries and the Government Office over the past twelve months.


Satisfaction with Areas of Social Policy, Health Care System and System of Education - May 2012

In May 2012, CVVM included to the survey a question about satisfaction with some areas in the Czech Republic. Citizens also responded to the question whether the evaluated areas need the reforms, and CVVM investigated to what extent the Czechs know planned reforms.


Popularity of Party Representatives

In May 2012 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected  politicians. They were given a list with 34 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in Chamber of Deputies.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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