Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - April 2011

According to the April survey of CVVM, 59% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 30% view it as neither good nor bad and 10% consider it to be good. 42% of Czechs evaluate the living standard of their household as good, 18% consider it to be bad, and 40% characterize it as neither good, nor bad.



Party Preferences and Voting Model in May 2011

In May survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Citizens on Adoption of Euro - April 2011

According to the April survey of Public Opinion Research Centre, only 21% of Czech citizens approve the adoption of euro as legal tender in the Czech Republic, 75% oppose it. Since April 2010 a support for adoption of euro fell by 17%, while share of disapproval increased by 20%.



Views on the census - April 2011

A half of Czech citizens described the cenzus as well managed. The same part of Czechs think that the cenzus is necessary. 68 % have no doubt about usefulness of all items of cenzus and 53 % believe that the gathered information will be adequately protected from misuse.



Public Opinion on the Prevalence of Corruption among Public Officials

In March 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about the prevalence of corruption among public officials and in different institutions and areas of public life. Data were collected during the first March weeks that means before the government crisis.


Czech Public Opinion on Foreigners Living in the Czech Republic

In March 2011 CVVM survey investigated Czech public's views with regard to foreigners who live in the long term or permanently in the Czech Republic. 53 % of Czechs see foreign citizens living in the Czech Republic as a problem, 37 % claim the opposite. But, when people should consider their neighbourhood, not the Czech Republic as a whole country, 56 % think foreign citizens are not a problem.



Tolerance to Different Social Groups

In March 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the major population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours. The biggest distance was noticed towards drug addicts (89 % of Czechs would not want them to be their neighbours), people with criminal past (80%), people addicted to alcohol (79%) and also people with mental disease (63%).


Confidence to Some Representatives and Institutions in International Context - April 2011

April survey was focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives and institutions of international politics. 69% of Czechs trust the US President Barack Obama (21% distrust him), 58% trust the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (25% not), 48% trust the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel (26% distrust her) and 21% trust the Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (20% distrust him, 24 % are undecided and 35 % do not know him at all).


Citizens on Events in the Middle East and Northern Africa - April 2011

According to the April survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, 44% of Czech citizens are interested in current events in the Middle East and Northern Africa. 66% of Czechs expect a negative impact of these events on global economy, 60% share the same expectation in relation to security situation in the world. 27% of Czechs approve the international coalition’s military operations in Libya, 44% oppose it and 29% are undecided on this matter.


The impacts of EU membership on the Czech Republic - April 2011

In April 2011 CVVM investigated on the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union. Informants were asked to evaluate positive and negative efects of membership and the impact of membership on chosen areas of public life.

77 % agreed that EU membership helped Czechs to work, live and study in other EU countries. 79 % said that membership increased the level of bureaucracy in Czech republic.


Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreigners II - March 2011

March survey of CVVM focused on public attitudes to foreigners. Majority (61 %) claimed that foreigners living in Czech republic should become conformed to czech cultural habits as much as possible. Another 34 % of informants said that foreigners should adapt to czech cultural habits just in some aspects. And 5 % said that foreigners should be allowed to live according to their habits.



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