Citizens on Economic Situation of Their Households – May/July 2022

The Public Opinion Research Centre in its June survey examined how Czech citizens perceive the financial situation of their households. They evaluated whether it is difficult to make ends meet with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty.


Attitudes toward retirement system of the Czech Republic – November/December 2021

In November and December, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards the retirement system in the Czech Republic.

Questions focused mainly on the current condition of the retirement system and its possible changes. Respondents also expressed level of their support for concrete measures and actions within the retirement system. The last question focused on the opinion whether the received finances from the social security system can cover funding of the pensions.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Citizens on the Pension System – November/December 2021

In its November survey, the Center for Public Opinion Research focused on some issues related to the pension system and pension reform. Within this thematic block, respondents were presented three pairs of opposing statements expressing general attitudes to the different characteristics of the pension system. Respondents expressed their position through a five-point scale, where point 1 meant identification with the first of a pair of opposing statements and point 5, on the contrary, featured complete shift to the second statement. Individual claims were related to contradiction between the principle of solidarity and merit in the pension system, whether financial security of retired people should be ensured by the state or by the citizens themselves, and whether the pension system in its current form is just or unjust.


Concerns and preparations for pension – November/December 2021

In November, the Public Opinion Research Center of the Academy of Sciences interviewed citizens of the Czech Republic on the topic of financial security in pension. Questions were focused not only on subjective concerns over lack of economic resources or trust in welfare state but also on actual preparations, namely investments and savings.


Public opinion on social security in the Czech Republic and allocation of public funds – November/December 2021

The November and December 2021 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre included issues related to social policy. It surveyed citizens' views on that how much the individual areas of social policy are secured. At the same time the block of questions included an item, in which citizens had to comment the social policy as a whole. It also examined public preferences concerning allocation of public funds.


Attitudes towards Czech social security system – November/December 2021

In November and December 2021, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards social policy.

Questions investigated opinions of the Czech public on the involvement of the state and the citizens themselves to funding the sphere of social policy. Other questions focused on whether the current distribution of responsibilities is divided equally between state and citizens. Finally, we were interested in opinion on the fair distribution of benefits and abuse of the social security system.


How Households Are Burdened By Loans - August/September 2021

In August and September 2021 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined a set of issues relating to money lending and debt repayment.


Opinion on the Indebtment of Citizens and the State - August/September 2021

In August and September 2021, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated views on the problem of indebtment. We surveyed the opinion on the level of indebtment among the Czech citizens and on the level of indebtment of the Czech state. With regard to these two fields of indebtment, we also asked questions about how serious a problem the current level of indebtment poses to the Czech people.


Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - July 2021

According to the July 2021 survey of CVVM, 21% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 40% view it as neither good nor bad, and 38% consider it to be bad.


Citizens on Economic Situation of Their Households – June 2021

The Public Opinion Research Centre in its June survey examined how Czech citizens perceive the financial situation of their households. They evaluated whether it is difficult to make ends meet with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty.

10% of citizens indicated their household to be rich, whilst 20% considered it to be poor. 70% of respondents regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 40% of respondents, on the other hand 58% said they have no problems with budget of the household.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<