HomePress releasesOtherRelations, AttitudesContentment with Life - November 2016

Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – September/November 2022

In a survey conducted from the beginning of September to the beginning of November 2022, the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR dealt with the long-standing and highly debated topic of climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic. Just under three-fifths (58%) of respondents are somewhat worried about the impacts of climate change (14% very worried, 44% somewhat worried), while 39% are not worried.


Life Satisfaction of Czechs over Time – "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras"

The Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Institute of Sociology of the CAS focused on the topic of life satisfaction in its special research carried out within the project "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras". The aim of the research was to find out how satisfied Czech citizens are with their lives at present and to compare the results with their life satisfaction in the past or in the future. The life satisfaction of Czech citizens has not changed over time and can be considered above average overall. Life satisfaction is related to educational attainment, age, subjectively assessed standard of living and health status.


Public on Concerns of Various Threats And on Expectations for the Future - November/December 2021

In November/December 2021, respondents were expressing views on threats by war, epidemics, natural disasters, economic crisis or resource crisis. The survey also focused on expectations concerning the future of the personal life of citizens, the future of the Czech society and the future of the whole humankind. These questions were amended with an open question trying to find out, what are their current fears.


Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – July 2021

In July survey CVVM dealt with a long-discussed topic, which is climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic.

More than half (52%) of respondents are interested in climate change.

According to the vast majority (84%) of the Czech public, climate change has occurred on Earth in the last 100 years.

Less than three-fifths (59%) of respondents are to some extent concerned about the effects of climate Change, while 37% of respondents are not concerned.


Satisfaction with life and with his various aspects - Our Society - special - December 2020

Satistifaction with all the examined aspects of life significantly prevails in the population.

People are the most satisfied with personal relationships (average value 7.45 on a scale from 0 completely dissatisfied to 10 completely satisfied), with life in general (7.13) and with a feeling of security (7.10).

Compared to previous surveys from May and June 2020, the overall level of satisfaction with life and the level of satisfaction with all its examined aspects has decreased.


Contentment with Life - September 2020

In the September 2020 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"

66% of Czech citizens are satisfied with their life, 10% are dissatisfied, and 24% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.


Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – July 2020

In July survey CVVM dealt with very discussed topic, which is climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic.

More than half (53%) of respondents are interested in climate change.

According to the vast majority (86%) of the Czech public, climate change has occurred on Earth in the last 100 years.

Approximately one in nine out of ten respondents (89%) think that human activity contributes to climate change.


Public opinion on COVID-19 pandemic – Our society – special – June 2020

More than seven tenths (71 %) of Czech citiziens over the age 18 agreed in June with the view that Coronavirus has spread because China has kept information about it. Approximately the same share (70 %) of the Czech public also agreed that People who went on holiday to Italy at the turn of February and March, acting recklessly.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Satisfaction with various aspects of personal life - Our society - special - June 2020

Satisfaction with all the examined aspects of life significantly prevails in the population.

The three highest values of satisfaction on an eleven-point scale were chosen for most aspects by about half of the respondents. A lower share was found for future security (42%).

Only 5-11% of respondents were dissatisfied (points 1-4).


Public concerns about health and evaluation of financial situation of households concerning the spread of coronavirus - Our society - special - June 2020

More than two thirds of respondents (68%) are concerned about the health of their loved ones (32% definitely), almost two fifths (39%) are concerned about their own health.

Due to coronavirus, the incomes of more than a third of households decreased (11% significantly), three-fifths have the same incomes. The increase in income was reported by 5% of households.