Democracy, Civic Society
Involvement of Czechs in Public Life and Their Interest in Politics - February 2020
In February 2020 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on participation of czech citizens in civic and political activities.
Politicians´ Interest in the Views of Citizens and Citizens' Ability to Influence the Public Sphere and Public Opinion on the Respect to Human Rights in the Czech Republic - February 2020
In its regular February survey the Public Opinion Research Centre further examined whether people think that politicians are interested in the views of citizens, and whether in the opinion of the Czech public, people have certain opportunities to influence the public sphere.
Public Views on the Possibility to Influence the Legislative Process - February 2020
As a part of February survey there were some questions focused on possibilities of citizens to influence changes in laws.
Respondents were evaluating effectiveness of some methods to achieve this goal like work in a political party, petitions, demonstrations, work in labour unions, litigation, activity in a social network, letters to media, letters to deputies, violent actions, work in a church, hunger-strike, work in a civic association, strike, and blockade.
Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics – February 2020
In February 2020 in the research project Our Society the Public Opinion Research Centre included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons of people for entering the politics.
Involvement of Czechs in Public Life and Their Understanding of Politics – February 2020
In February 2020 Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions concerning the opportunities of citizens to participate in political issues and their understanding of politics in general.
Interest in Politics and Views on the Participation of Citizens in Decision-Making – February 2020
In February 2020, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on interest of Czech citizens in politics generally, politics of the Czech Republic and European Union and worldwide politics, and also examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes.
51% of Czechs are interested in domestic politics, 42% are interested in politics generally, 38% are interested in worldwide politics, and 35% are interested in EU politics. Citizens should make decisions on important local issues. This view is supported by 75% of interviewed. On the other hand, decisions on important laws and international treaties should be made by elected politicians. This view is supported by 76% of citizens in the case of laws and 83% in the case of international treaties.
Opinions on the Functioning of Democracy and Undemocratic Alternatives of Political System - February 2020
Part of Public Opinion Research Centre survey in February were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic and undemocratic alternatives of political system.
Attitudes of Czech Public to Demonstrations organised by Million Moments for Democracy - January 2020
In its January survey the Public Opinion Research Center included a set of questions concerning the attitudes of Czech citizens to demonstrations in general and then specifically to demonstrations organized by the Million Moments for Democracy.
Evaluation of Development in Selected Areas of Public Life in Last Year – December 2019
In December 2019 Public Opinion Resear Centre carried out a survey about the development of situation in selected areas of public life during the year 2019.
Opinions on the Functioning of Democracy and Undemocratic Alternatives of Political System - September 2019
Part of Public Opinion Research Centre survey in September were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic and undemocratic alternatives of political system.
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