International Relations
Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreign Countries - October 2017
In October survey CVVM investigated how sympathetic or unsympathetic are some selected countries to the Czech public. In this survey 27 countries were selected.
The most sympathetic country among them according to Czech citizens is Slovakia followed by Sweden, Austria, Norway, Great Britain, France and Italy.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
Citizens on Conflict in Syria - September 2017
In September survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the conflict in Syria. The survey examined how Czech public is interested in the development of conflict i Syria, how Czech citizens evaluate roles of different participants in the conflict and in attempts of its solution, and what they think of some possibilities of the Czech Republic to participate in the process of resolving the situation in Syria.
Views on EU in Central European Comparison - Summer 2017
In the June survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on European Union. In June and July 2017 similar surveys were conducted also in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees in April 2017
In April 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat. Press release shows also the comparison with public opinion in Poland.
>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<
Public Opinion on the Czech Republic’s Membership in the European Union – April 2017
The press release presents some results of April 2017 survey, which focused on Czech public opinion on the EU membership. The topics presented here are the satisfaction with EU membership and evaluation of pros and cons of the EU membership. The report contains also comparison with previous surveys.
Agreement with statements about the EU – April 2017
The press release contains the outcome of the European Union statements questioning, in which the repondents have to express their agreement or disagreement. This press release contains the percentage ratio of agreement and disgreement and a comparsion of the outcomes through the previous years. The respondents express their statements once a year.
Trust in European and international institutions – April 2017
In April 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to confidence in European Union and international institutions. Questions focused mainly on trust in European Union in general and its concrete authorities. In connection to international institutions respondents evaluated their trust in United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Opinions on European Integration – April 2017
In the opinion poll carried out in April 2017 by the Public Opinion Research Centre, questions regarding attitudes of Czech citizens towards integration in the EU were included. More specifically, the questionnaire asked surveyors about their opinion on values of democracy, equality, collaboration, tolerance, fairness, and solidarity being successfully exercised in the EU. Furthermore, respondents were asked about their views on economic, political, cultural, defense and ecological integration in the European Union. Lastly, attention was given to the belief that the EU decisions are in the interest of the Czech Republic and of the people like themselves.
The Czech public on the future of the EU and adopting the euro – April 2017
In April 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on opinion to the level of integration of EU a the role of Czech Republic in this process. We were also interested about Czech public's opinions to the future of the of the united Europe. The part of this survey was also question about adoption of the euro.
Czech Public on So-Called Islamic State - March 2017
In March 2017 the Public Opinion Research Centre included into its regular survey a few questions concerning so-called Islamic State.
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