Popularity of Party Representatives

Popularity of Party Representatives

In December CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated, whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were shown a list with 26 names of top politicians represented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among party representatives Vlasta Parkanová (58 %) was found the most trustworthy. Chief magistrate Pavel Bém found himself on the second position trusted by 50 % of trustees.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in December 2006

In December survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in December 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.


Public Opinion about Transfer of Sudet-German and about President Benes Decrees

In November survey CVVM also asked respondents some questions about Benes decrees.

Currently more than a half of respondents share the opinion that Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 13 % stood up for their cancellation, and more than a third (34 %) did not answer this question..

Expulsion of Sudet-German is considered to have been just by a half respondents, on the other hand a total of 32 % think it unjust.


Relationship with Slovakia

As a part of November survey there were also some questions focused on respondents´ attitude to the division of Czechoslovakia and following establishment of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic on 1. January 1993 and to relationships between citizens from those republics. Only a quarter of respondents (25 %) agreed with division of Czechoslovakia 13 years ago on contrary more than a half of respondents (56 %) did not agreed with it.


Public opinion on Senate

About three fifths of citizens perceive Senate as useless institution, which establishment was wasting of money, on contrary more than a fourth of Czech population do not agree with it. More than a half of Czech citizens agree with statement that establishment of the Senate was supported by political parties just to fortify their position, on the other hand only a quarter of respondents denied that.


Citizens and Municipal Elections

In November survey we questioned respondents about their participation in municipal elections to Local Councils and also we asked them whether they knew the candidates and whether they preferred candidates from political Parties or non – party candidates. More than two thirds of respondents told us that they participated in elections. The real election participation was 46, 38 %. This difference can be caused by the fact, that the public opinion research is made by personal interview, which means that a part of people who deny making a talk is unavailable for those surveys and there is also a fact, that people when talking about some subjects tend to talk in their own style which is not always the same as they really act.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in October 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in November 2006

In November survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Comparison of conditions nowadays and before 1989

In October CVVM SOÚ AV ČR made a survey on the attitudes of Czech citizens to day 17 November and public opinions on social conditions nowadays and before 1989.

More than a half of respondents commemorate national holiday on 17 November but they do not celebrante it. A third of Czech citizens admit they do not usually know about the feast and they do not commemorate it. Only 6,3 % of respondents say that 17 November is a day to be celebrated and they also celebrate this day: 1,1 % of people celebrate this day with their family, 1,3 % with friends and 1,6 % take part in social gatherings and 2,3 % celebrate this feast in another way.