Czech Republic, Poland & Hungary: Public and Charity
In September survey CVVM have asked some questions concerning charity. It enquired participation on charitable activities of respondents from the period of last 12 months and also people's view of support to charity from the part of Czech firms. Comparable surveys were done in Poland and Hungary as well.
Public Opinion about Transfer of Sudet-German and about President Benes Decrees
Public Opinion about Transfer of Sudet-German and about President Benes Decrees.
In November survey CVVM asked respondents some questions about Benes decrees.
Currently 65 % respondents share the opinion that Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 8 % stood up for their cancellation, and 27 % had no opinion on this issue.
Another question posed was about the expulsion of Sudet-Germain people from Czech borderland in 1945-6.
Confidence to Some Representatives in International Context - November 2009
At the beginning of the next year, it will pass seventeen years since Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In its regular survey ‘Our society’ in November 2009 the Public Opinion Research Centre examined how this historic event is viewed nowadays. Sixteen years ago, only 26 % of Czech citizens agreed with the break-up, while 48 % were opposed and 26 % do not know...
Public opinion on the break-up of Czechoslovakia
At the beginning of the next year, it will pass seventeen years since Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In its regular survey ‘Our society’ in November 2009 the Public Opinion Research Centre examined how this historic event is viewed nowadays. Sixteen years ago, only 26 % of Czech citizens agreed with the break-up, while 48 % were opposed and 26 % do not know according to their current statements.
Evaluation of Relations with Some Countries
Evaluation of Relations with Some Countries
Since 2000, CVVM in its investigations has repeatedly devoted to assess the relationship of the Czech Republic with neighboring countries, which in the past two years have been accompanied by some selected major countries in a global context.
How Czech Public Evaluate U.S. Government's Decision to Cancel Planned Installation of U.S. Anti-missile Radar in Czech Republic?
According to October survey of CVVM, 80 % of Czechs are satisfied with a decision of U.S. administration to cancel the project of installation of U.S. missile defense radar on Czech soil. Only 12 % of respondents expressed the opposite feeling in this matter.
Attitudes of Czechs towards U.S. Foreign Policy and Role of America in the World
72 % of Czechs against 20 % think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 51 % against 38 % believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community. According to 30 % of Czech citizens the current foreign policy of the U.S. represents a threat to today’s world, while 55 % have the opposite opinion. Czech society is rather convinced that the United States in their foreign policy try to ensure stability and peace in the world (56 % agree, 35 % disagree) and that they stand up for the defence of freedom, democracy and human rights (57 % say yes, 34 % no).
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in November 2009
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in November 2009
In November 2009 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.
As a part of the CVVM surveys there is a question about public satisfaction with current political situation in the Czech Republic.
Czech Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon in October 2009
In October 2009, Public Opinion Research Centre questioned Czech public about the Treaty of Lisbon. People were asked, whether they know, what the term "Treaty of Lisbon" means, whether they are informed about the treaty and interested in this topic. Except these questions, the survey investigated public opinion on the ratification of the treaty, and whether the position of the Czech Republic will be better, the same or worse, if the treaty is adopted.
Party Preferences and Voting Model in November 2009
In November survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.
Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.
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