Trust in institutions of public life and interpersonal trust - April/May 2023
Of the public institutions surveyed, the police (74%), the army and banks (68%) are the most trusted. On the other hand churches (28%) and political parties & movements (24%) are the least trusted.
Higher prevalence of trust over distrust is also evident in the case of courts, opinion polls, trade unions and radio. In relation to non-profit organisations, trust and distrust are more or less equal. For the remaining institutions (television, the internet), mistrust is already slightly or strongly prevalent (political parties and movements, churches, the press).
Compared to the previous survey of March 2022 and August 2021 respectively, the biggest changes were recorded in the case of trade unions (10 percentage point increase in trust), non-profit organisations, opinion polls and political parties (6 percentage point increase in trust), the internet (5 percentage point increase in trust) banks and radio (4 percentage point increase in trust). The army and the police, on the other hand, recorded a year-on-year decline in trust (by 5 percentage points).
Interpersonal (social) trust is slightly lower in Czech society compared to the previous survey from March 2022. 94% of respondents trust their closest relatives (down by 4 percentage points), while 73% trust ordinary people (down by 6 percentage points).
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Popularity of Top Politicians - April/May 2023
In the period from the end of March to the beginning of the last third of May 2023 the Public Opinion Researcch Centre investigated whether respondents trust to top politicians. In a survey there were included names of leaders of parties holding seats in the Chamber of Deputies, members of government, heads of both parliament chambers, and the president.
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation - April/May 2023
In the period from the end of March to the beginning of the last third of May 2023 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this survey there was a question about their trust to the President, both Chambers of Parliament, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.
Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - February/March 2023
According to the February and Mach 2023 survey of CVVM, 14% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 34% view it as neither good nor bad, and 51% consider it to be bad.
Citizens on the situation in Ukraine - February/March 2023
In a survey conducted during February and March 2023, the Center for Public Opinion Research asked a set of questions about the conflict in Ukraine. The research sought to find out whether people are interested in the development of the situation in Ukraine and whether they consider it to be a security threat to the Czech Republic, Europe and world peace, how citizens feel about the government's actions in support of Ukraine and how they assess possible measures by the international community.
The Czech public’s views of ethnic groups living in the Czech Republic – February/March 2023
In February and March 2023 Public Opinion Research Centre investigated attitudes of Czech public to fourteen national groups that are living in the Czech Republic in significant number.
Opinions of the Czech public on the presence of foreigners in the Czech Republic - February - March 2023
In February and March 2023, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on a regular survey on the attitude of Czech society to the question of whether or not foreigners living in the Czech Republic should adapt to our living habits. In addition, a question was also asked to assess the importance of the circumstances that influence the acceptance of foreigners.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
Tolerance to Selected Groups of Population - February/March 2023
In February and March 2023 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the majority population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours.
The public on the transition to cleaner energy - autumn 2022
In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions focused on the transition of the energy industry to cleaner, more environmentally friendly energy sources in the production of heat and electricity. The survey specifically investigated how citizens evaluate the frugality of various energy sources in terms of the impact of their use on the environment, how they perceive the success or failure of the transition to cleaner sources in the Czech Republic, whether, in their opinion, the state should support the use of renewable energy sources, how it is important for them, whether the electricity they consume in their household comes from renewable sources, and whether they use or plan to use renewable sources for the production of heat or electricity, either in a community, such as multiple households within an apartment building, municipality or part of it , or independently in your own household.
The public on energy management - autumn 2022
In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions focused on the issue of energy management. The survey specifically investigated how the households of the respondents manage to cover the costs of electricity, fuel and water consumption, whether they have concerns regarding the provision of heating in the Czech Republic, what, in their opinion, are the possibilities of reducing energy consumption in their household and whether the development of the energy market will make their household to reduce consumption.
Morality of Politicians Viewed by Public Opinion - February/March 2023
In the last survey CVVM enquired how strictly according to public should be judged morality of politicians and what criteria should be considered in their deliberations. CVVM also focused on attitudes of Czech citizens to disputes, problems and affairs which appear in our political and public life. In this case, respondents were presented with a list of statements with which they expressed their agreement or disagreement.
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