Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in December 2007

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in December 2007

In December 2007 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.

As a part of the CVVM surveys there is a question about public satisfaction with current political situation in the Czech Republic.


Public Opinion about Transfer of Sudet-German and about President Benes Decrees

In November survey CVVM asked respondents some questions about Benes decrees.

Currently more than a half of respondents (52 %) share the opinion that Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 11 % stood up for their cancellation, and 37 % had no opinion on this issue.

Another question posed was about the expulsion of Sudet-Germain people from Czech borderland in 1945-6.

Almost half of respondents (48 %) considered this historical act to be just.


Czech citizens about government expenditure on social policy

Government expenditure on social policy in general and in partial areas is evaluated as rather low than high. The exception is unemployment benefit, where number of those who consider government expenditure as low (27 %) is comparable to number of those who suppose it to be high (27 %) or who find it adequate (33 %). According to 32 % of respondents the government takes care of social situation in appropriate way while 58 % of respondents find the government's focus on social situation of citizens too low and 4 % of respondents suppose it to be exaggerated.


What should be priorities in family policy?

Over 80 % of respondents agreed with support of flexible working time or with support of part time job for parents with little children, with marriage loan, with tax cut for people with children and with running of public nursery at every primary school. Approximately three quarters of people expressed support for child benefit rise, increase in number of kindergartens and common taxation of husband and wife.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in December 2007

In December survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary: Do We Check the Information on Food Products When Shopping?

In three surveys held in September and October 2007 respondents from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary were asked if they do check the expiration period and the ingredients of food products when shopping.



Relationships and Feelings of National Pride to Czech Republic

In October survey CVVM focused on the subject of Czech citizen's relationships to the place, the region and the country where they live and feelings of pride and shame related to their Czech citizenship and Bohemia's history, culture, politics and social life.



Public on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic.

November survey of CVVM followed two questions related to the plan to locate U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic. The survey investigated Czech public's attitudes to this plan as well as to eventual referendum on this matter. The report contains main results of analysis of sociodemographic differences and time comparison with previous surveys of these questions.

>> Full text is available...


Important personalities and events in Czech history

Attitudes concerning Czech history probed CVVM SOÚ AV ČR in October 2007. At first we investigated, who is the greatest Czech personality and what is the most considerable historical period according to our citizens. In context of twentieth century respondents also mentioned the events that are in their eyes most important since the First World War.


Men´s and women´s roles

November survey CVVM investigated public opinions about division of men´s and women´s roles in families. As in survey 2006, both partners should share worries about education, budget, hobbies and contacts. Career building is supposed to belong to men´s activities or activities of both partners, but mainly it should belong to a men´s role. On the other hand cooking is considered as women´s domain.


Confidence in Constitutional Institutions and Satisfaction with Political Situation in November 2007

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in November 2007

In November 2007 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.

As a part of the CVVM surveys there is a question about public satisfaction with current political situation in the Czech Republic.


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Panel 3

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