Overall Working Life Satisfaction: What It Represents and What It Correlates with?

Working life is one of the important factors that affect overall quality of life and subjective well-being. Measuring its quality has been the focus of many recent projects and surveys implemented in the Czech Republic. The following text deals with the most general indicator of the quality of working life, namely overall working life satisfaction. It analyzes the relationship of this indicator with subjective well-being and its non-work aspects as well as with current job satisfaction. The r…


A Sociology of Animals: Reviewing Human-Animal Studies

The author of this review article introduces the relatively new social science field of human-animal studies, focusing on its sociological dimension. Her aim is not a particularized compilation of existing publications on the topic, but a synthesis of the key ideas behind the sociological perspective on human-animal studies. The author includes references to crucial works and selected web portals where one can find more detailed information. She introduces the fundamental premises and theoret…


Caught in a Gutenberg Syndrome: Methodological Aspects of Visual Stimuli in Social Research

Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research. In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article discusses psychologica…


Factors of Spatial Allocation of Pork Barrel Grants in Czechia 2003–2009: The Role of Deputies’ Home Locations

Political, financial and legislative support of one's own constituency or home location belongs to the main interests of politicians. The paper attempts to identify a spatial pattern in pork barrel grants allocated during the endorsement of draft state budgets by the Chamber of Deputies. The factor of deputies' home locations is analysed. Correlation analysis at district level exploits Parliamentary Gazette data on approved deputies' amendments to the draft state budget and a list of deputies…



The electronic version of the first number of the thirteenth edition of the review Our Society (Naše společnost). Our Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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