HomeCVVMJournal Our SocietyArchive of articles2018/2Intergroup Contacts and Attitudes to the Roma in the Czech Republic: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

* Dying out while digging our own grave

The fact that recent demographic data have been pointing to gradual but consistent dying out of Europe has become the key point of strong filosophic, political and other clashes in the last years. Most discussions focus especially on the issues related to the causes of this situation, thus rather omitting the real consequences on everyday lives of Europeans in the upcoming decades. Namely the economic and sociological impacts. 
The structure of population change in terms of national…


* Reflections of Modern Czech History, the Velvet Revolution and the Current Development in Public Opinion

This article describes the attitudes of the Czech public towards the Velvet Revolution, and towards the social situation preceding and following it. The text deals with the general image of Velvet Revolution in the context of modern Czech history, tracks public opinion on this event, deals with evaluations of the period before and after November 1989, and handles assessments of the whole previous period. The event of the Velvet Revolution in Czech history is seen predominantly as a highlight,…


* Shaping Concepts of Social Structure in Contemporary Czech Society in Group Interviews with

Based on data from three group interviews conducted with groups of “workers” and “professionals”, this article focuses on ways that interviews participants choose in their attempts to cope with sociologists’ demands to describe social structure of the contemporary Czech society. The key category adopted from the interviewers’ questions around which the arguments of participants were centered is the category of “success“. The author analyses measures of success mentioned by par…


* Investments in Human Capital as Condition of Success Investments in Social Capital

The article deals with relationships between human capital and social capital. Often is mentioned that presence of social capital is key condition of success investment in human capital. The article presents opposite view – investments 
in human capital are necessary condition investments in social capital (at least in individual social capital). The three main form of social capital (bonding, bridging and linking social capital) are described at it is shown when generating each f…


* Editorial

The electronic version of the first number of the ninth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Panel 1

Panel 3

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