Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreigners - March 2013

Research survey of CVVM focused on public attitudes to foreigners. Majority (62 %) claimed that foreigners living in Czech republic should become conformed to czech cultural habits as much as possible. Another 32 % of informants said that foreigners should adapt to czech cultural habits just in some aspects. And 5 % said that foreigners should be allowed to live according to their habits.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Attitudes of Czech Public Towards Employment of Foreigners - March 2013

March survey has dealt with a topic of employment of foreigners in Czech Republic. 50% of Czechs think it is right to employ foreigners, 43% express the opposite view.


Public Opinion on Foreigners´ Contribution to the Czech Republic - March 2013

In March 2013 CVVM survey investigated Czech public's views with regard to foreigners who live in the long term or permanently in the Czech Republic. 58 % of Czechs see foreign citizens living in the Czech Republic as a problem, 33 % claim the opposite. On the contrary, when people consider the foreigners living in their neighbourhood, 49 % think foreign citizens are not a problem.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on the Settling of Foreigners in the Czech Republic - March 2013

In March 2013 Public Opinion Research Centre examined as a part of its survey the opinions of the Czech public on long-term or permanently residing foreigners in the Czech Republic.


Relation to Different National Groups Living in the Czech Republic - March 2013

In March 2013 CVVM investigated attitudes of Czech public to 16 national groups that are living in the Czech Republic in significant number. The most positive relation was observed to Slovaks, Poles, Greeks, Jews and Germans, the worst relation have Czechs to the Roma people.


Public opinion on health care and health care system - December 2012

In December 2012, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care and health care system. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care system in the Czech Republic and public opinion on issues in specific areas of the health care system. 32 % of citizens are satisfied with health care, while 33 % are unsatisfied.


Contentment with Life - December 2012

In the December survey Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"


Czech Public on Health Care - December 2012

In December 2012, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care. With health care 41% citizens are satisfied, 22% are dissatisfied and 36% are neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied.


Public Views on Fees and Some Other Measures in Healthcare - December 2012

December 2012 survey of Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning health and health care.


Sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police - November 2012

In November survey of CVVM, citizens answered questions about the sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police.