Views on the Order of Society and Social Cohesion

In March, the questionnaire included two questions, which concerned the social structure of society and its social cohesion.


Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreigners - March 2012

Research survey of CVVM focused on public attitudes to foreigners. Majority (58 %) claimed that foreigners living in Czech republic should become conformed to czech cultural habits as much as possible. Another 36 % of informants said that foreigners should adapt to czech cultural habits just in some aspects. And 5 % said that foreigners should be allowed to live according to their habits.


Relation to Different National Groups Living in the Czech Republic - March 2012

In March 2012 CVVM investigated attitudes of Czech public to 16 national groups that are living in the Czech Republic in significant number.


Toleration to selected groups of population

In March 2012 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the major population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours. The biggest distance was noticed towards drug addicts (86 % of Czechs would not want them to be their neighbours), people addicted to alcohol (78%), people with criminal past (74%), and also people with mental disease (63%).

Another question was focused on opinion about the society that means whether people think the Czech society is tolerant or intolerant to the same groups of people.


What Behavior Is Morally Acceptable for Us?

In March 2012 the Public Opinion Research Centre in its survey dealt with the acceptability of certain ways of behavior in Czech society. 


Sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police - February 2012

In February survey of CVVM, citizens answered questions about the sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police.


Opinion on the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its financial subvention

January survey of CVVM included questions referring to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Questions concerned trust of people towards this institution, their awareness of its function, their opinion on its usefulness and on quality of the research conducted in the Academy in both national and world-wide context. Question regarding the opinion on financial subvention of the institution from the national budget was part of the survey too. Current data are compared with the data on the same topic collected in the survey in 2009.


Public opinion on financing Czech science - January 2012

In January 2012 CVVM investigated on the public attitudes towards financing Czech science and scientific research. Almost half of citizens think state should increase its expenses on science.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on Conditions for Science in the Czech Republic

In January 2012 the Public Opinion Research Centre survey has focused on questions related to science. In this press release are presented citizens' views on the position of the Czech science in global context and on some of the conditions the Czech science has for its functioning.


Public Opinion to Outputs and Presentation of Czech Science

This report presents the information about the interest of Czech citizens in the outputs of scientific research, about the evaluation of contributions the science offer contemporary society and about attitudes to the style of public presentation of Czech science.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<