Ecological behavior

In May 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre asked questions about environment. People were inquired about their activities in environment protection and their willingness to do something in favour of environment. We also investigated, whether Czechs are interested in information about the environment and have enough this kind of information.


The views on abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment - May 2011

In May, The Public Opinion Research Centre examined the views on abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment. More than two-thirds of Czechs believe that a woman has a right to abortion. Nearly two-thirds agree with euthanasia and the same percentage agrees with the capital punishment.



Citizens on State of Environment - May 2011

According to May 2011 survey of CVVM people are more satisfied with state of environment at their place of residence (70%) than in Czech republic in general (59%). Respondents were most satisfied with accessability of free nature (83% "satisfied"), quality of drinking water (84%) and cleanness of surrounding nature (75%). On the other hand respondents were dissatisfied with impact of density of traffic on the environment (58% "dissatisfied", 41% "satisfied").


Which Values Are Important For Us?

May survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused on the matter of values and their importance for Czech people.


Czech Public on Global Environmental Problems - May 2011

Within its May survey, Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the environment. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate relevancy of some problems related to global environment. As a most important problems were marked cumulation of garbage (93% „very + quite important problem“), polution of drinking water (91%), lack of drinking water (85%) and disappearance of rain forests (83%).


Citizen's Views on Drugs - May 2011

The survey of May touched briefly the issue of drugs and their use in the Czech Republic. People were asked whether and how much they perceive the current situation regarding drug use to be a problem in the Czech Republic as a country, and specifically in their place of residence. Furthermore, the survey investigated whether institutions in the Czech Republic deal with the drug problem adequately, inadequately or excessively in the view of the public.


Satisfaction with conditions of living at the place of residence - April 2011

In April, the Center for Public Opinion Research focused on satisfaction with life in the locality in general and selected living conditions in the vicinity of residence. 70% of Czechs are satisfied with living conditions in their place of residence. A fifth said neutral variant. A tenth is not satisfied.



Public Opinion on Rights of Homosexuals - May 2011

In May 2011, CVVM survey focused on public opinion on rights of gays and lesbians such as right to get married, right for registered partnership and right for children adoption.



Fears of Czech citizens related to nuclear energy in the context of Fukushima accident.

Press release offers information about some attitudes of Czech citizens towards nuclear energy that were surveyed especially in the context of Fukushima accident. Some of the results are comparable with the survey, made in this long-lasting project after the Chernobyl accident.



Romanies and Coexistence with Them in View of Czech Public – April 2011

April survey of CVVM focused on public attitude and public relationships between Czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed that more than four fifths of Czech citizens (81%) see living together of Romany and non-Romany population as bad in Czech Republic generally, and three fifths (59%) evaluate the coexistence as bad in a place where they live.

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