Some Aspects of Beer Choice of Czech Consumers in 2009

In October 2009 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results about the preferences of particular beer brands, the role of aspects like taste and price in case of choice and the position of non-alcoholic beer.

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Evaluation of the Beer Culture in the Czech Republic in 2009

In October 2009 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR included a set of question on the topic of beer culture into the regularly repeated research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society. This press release maps the evaluations of Czech beer culture in general and evaluations of its different aspects; the information about evaluations of beer cultures in other countries as seen by Czech public is also provided....


Hierarchy of Aims in Life in Czech Population

November survey of CVVM asked a question related to hierarchy of aims in life. According to the results most preferred aims are related to family values and personal relations, which were represented by items like "to have steady partner" or "to have children".



Relationships and Feelings of the National Pride of the Czech Republic

In October survey CVVM focused on the subject of Czech citizen's relationships to the place of residence, the region and the country where they live and feelings of pride and shame related to their Czech citizenship and Bohemia's history, culture, politics and social life.

44 % of respondents said that they were proud of Czech Republic. On the contrary 10 % were ashamed of Czech Republic and the rest of 41 % respondents were niether proud nor ashamed.


Czechs and their opinion on quality of school education

In September 2009, CVVM carried out an opinion poll on how Czech citizens evaluate the quality of education on all school levels. Part of the press release is also comparison of current results with findings from previous surveys. Then Czechs should have evaluated, which from the following characteristics - knowledge, independence, self-confidence, orientation in society, discipline, moral values, ability to work in a team, communication skills, creativity - are best evolved by particular types of schools.


What is educational background influenced by?

In September survey more than a two thirds of respondents expressed their opinion that everybody has a chance to get such education according to his or her abilities. Then respondents had to answer a question, what circumstances and various facts influence educational background. Respondents often suppose human abilities and diligence to be important, when trying to get higher education. In other part of survey respondents had to talk about their own educational background.


Czech citizens on the Czech science

In August 2009 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., replicated some of the questions about the issue of science and research, which were asked in February 2006. This press release maps the public's interest in results of scientific work, attitudes of citizens towards the availability of these results to general public and towards the position of the Czech science in global context. The respondents were also asked what, in their opinion, Czech science misses.


Public opinion on financing Czech science

In August 2009 CVVM investigated on the public attitudes towards the change of financing Czech science and scientific research. Majority (61 % of respondents) considered current budget for science as an unsufficient and 53 % thought that state should increase its expenses on science.


The image of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and opinions to its funding

Attached survey report offers information about the image of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic among Czech public, especially with regard to its perceived credibility, usefulness and quality of its research activities. Also it addresses attitudes of the public towards the current funding and expectations of the public for the case of prepared decrease of funding thru state budget.



Science, research and their funding in the view of Czech public

Science in the Czech Republic has a positive image among Czech public; it is considered to be at high quality and important. On the other hand, people are more critical in case of its funding. The part of the public, which is more familiar with the topic, evaluate science and research in the Czech Republic and also the institution of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic more positively than the others and also in a more urgent manner perceives problems of its current funding and more calls for responsibility of the state for further development.